The Promise started as a church plant in 2009 with 10 people meeting in a living room.
We were sent by The Garden Church in Chatsworth, CA. We belong to the Evangelical Free Church of America (
This is what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and the values that guide us.


What We're Doing

"We exist to multiply disciples of Christ,
for the glory of God and the blessing of all peoples."

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
- Matthew 28:18-20


How We're Doing It

By helping people experience the renewing power of the Gospel,
and answer Jesus’ call to “BELONG, GROW, MINISTER & MULTIPLY.”


What Guides Us


The Gospel not only saves us, but it changes the way we live and serve.  The Gospel is the good news that we are forgiven and accepted by God not because of what we do for Him, but because of what Jesus did for us in His life, death, and resurrection.  Through repentance and faith in this Gospel, God’s grace begins to change everything.  Whether it’s preaching, serving the homeless, or praying to God, everything is done out of gratitude for God’s grace not an anxious desire to earn His favor.  At The Promise, we center everything we do on this Gospel.     


Jesus Christ changes lives.  The best evidence of salvation and genuine faith is a changed life.   The best witness to a lost world is a changed life.   And the greatest way to bring glory to God is a changed life.  So at The Promise, our ultimate desire for everyone we meet is for God to change their lives.       


The Holy Spirit is the greatest source of power for the Church.  Without Him, Christian life and ministry are impossible.   Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes He will be our teacher, helper, comforter, intercessor, and guide.  At The Promise, we prioritize prayer and the exercise of spiritual gifts, because we desperately want God to build His church by the Spirit’s power.     


The Gospel has power to not only save and change us, but it also has the power to form diverse communities.  We see this in the early church and in the Bible’s final vision of heaven.  So at The Promise, we are committed to building a Gospel-community of all peoples with different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. 


The Church does not exist for itself.   God calls His people to bless the city they're in with the Gospel of grace.  The Gospel that changes us also has the power to renew entire communities.  So at The Promise, we seek to renew our city by starting Gospel-ministries of reconciliation, mercy, and justice.             


The Church of Jesus Christ has always been a movement of God from the very beginning.  A movement is a grassroots, supernatural work of God where disciples are not added but multiplied. But instead of staying within the church, they are sent out to multiply more disciples, leaders, and churches everywhere.  So a movement goes beyond gathering attendees, running programs, and relying on professionals within a church.  Rather, it focuses on empowering normal people to go wherever God leads them, and to desperately rely on His power to fulfill the Great Commission.  At The Promise we want to be movement-minded in all we do.